Pcomp Final Concept-1
Since several weeks ago, I wrote a piece of music to talk about the concept of Beings in Hell in Buddhism, then it makes me generate a series of ideas to make a music and visual installation to talk about this concept SIX PATH, CYCLE OF SUFFERING, in Buddhism. After talked with another ITP student, Haiyi Huang, who has architecture background, we decide to collaborate together.
( here is the explanation of the SIX PATH concept)
And I will do a series of video and music, install them to my installation. And pursue what is a good immersive experience for audiences, when interactive installation meet with music and visual arts.
The music video I made for this installation.
Some general ideas about the physical installation
1.Touchable mirror.
When people touch different section of the mirror, it will trigger different video mapping sections. And it represents six different path after died.
2. Perceptual frame
People can go through the frame and it will trigger different clothes color or body movement of the audiences and trigger different mapping of the video and music section. and it might be a virtual projection of every frame.
3. Break the mirror.
projecting a fake mirror on one board. And people can see their face on the mirror, and then they can use a small hammer to strike the mirror, and the mirror will broken and jump to the visual projection section. I think the mirror can present the illusion of our life, when you break it, it means end of your life, and your illusion and then go to the SIX PATH.
4. Wheel of life( from Haiyi)
Play the wheel, and trigger different projection.
5. Music Wall( from Haiyi)
Play the the circle on the wall, and trigger different music and projection.
- Inspiration:
Orchestra touchscreen: https://youtu.be/UhncpuoqALc?t=1m6s
lines: https://youtu.be/hP36xoPXDnM